Nationaler Gebetstag für Artsakh

HH Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians, has declared October 1, 2023 as the national day of prayer for Artsakh. This Sunday, in St. Echmiadzin and in all Armenian churches in Armenia and the Diaspora, special prayers according to the Surb Patarag (Holy Lord’s Prayer) will be said to invoke consolation and blessings for our people.

In St. Etchmiadzin, holy relics are displayed to provide spiritual consolation. Surb Patarag will celebrate His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians.

In Germany the services take place in Hamburg, Kehl, Mainz and Munich. We warmly invite all members of our community and friends to join us and pray together.

In this time of need, we would also like to point out current developments.

The number of forcibly relocated people from Artsakh who have sought refuge in Armenia reached 100,417 as of Saturday morning. The Armenian government is providing housing for all forcibly relocated people from Artsakh. So far, 32,200 of these accommodations have already been accepted.

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Spendenaufruf der Diözese

Um unsere Unterstützung zu zeigen und den Menschen in Artsakh zu helfen, hat die Diözese einen Spendenaufruf gestartet. Jeder Beitrag, sei er groß oder klein, macht einen Unterschied und trägt dazu bei, denen in Not zu helfen.

In diesen herausfordernden Zeiten ist die Solidarität unserer Gemeinschaft wichtiger denn je. Wir laden unsere Landsleute und Freunde zum gemeinsamen Gebet und zum gemeinsamen Handeln.


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